Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Day in Budapest

Well, now that the last possible goodbyes have happened, I really do need to get to work on packing.  I had planned to go to Margaret Island today as an incentive for packing, but my lunch excursion cost me over 2 hours, so that's not going to happen.  So, I'm procrastinating less detrimentally by writing this!

I've been packing all day because my taxi comes in about 12 hours.  I've made pathetic progress.  The good news is that I finally ate gulyas, and I liked the broth part at least.  I went to a Hungarian Restaurant with Rebekah, Catherine, Luke, Nick, and Rhaelynn for lunch.  It's located right near school so I also finally got to take a picture of McDaniel Budapest.  And I recorded my bus ride there.  I'm being oddly sentimental about stuff like public transportation. I went to the ABC for quite possibly the last time, am eating what is possibly my last Magnum (Ecuador Dark) in Budapest, and have withdrawn my last forints ever.

So, I guess to recap chronologically since my last post, we went to Okay Italia for the last time on Friday.  We didn't go to the one at Nyugati, though, because we were tired of getting the same waiter every time, and instead went to the one in between Nyugati and Jazai Mari ter on the ring road.  It was so sunny outside and we had to eat outside because the inside was reserved, so the setting sun made the first part of it slightly miserable, but the sun finally started to go down and the food came and then it was awesome.  I couldn't finish mine, but it tasted really really good until that point.  We split up then, and I said goodbye to Julie for the last time and then went home to wait for the others to get there with Caitlin's stuff, at which point I said goodbye to Laura.

 Caitlin spent the night on our couch since she and Dani were sharing a taxi. I went to bed early because the Internet was too slow to keep me awake and I was exhausted anyways, but woke up the next morning in time to help Dani and Caitlin take their stuff down to the taxi.  We said our goodbyes, they drove off, and I began my day's adventure.

I finished up souvenir shopping at Vaci utca before coming home to eat some grilled cheese, and then took the 2 to the chain bridge, which I walked across before beginning the hike up to Buda Castle.  It was so hot outside.  I found a foie gras festival, which was unexpected, and wandered the Castle District for over an hour, taking lots of photos and being a tourist, but I ran out of water so I took the bus and then the tram back home.  The rest of my day was a whole bunch of nothing.  I should've packed, but I was exhausted from the energy-draining heat, and just spent my time on Skype and stuff.

And here I am now.  My iTunes keeps playing really depressing music on shuffle, and is therefore not at all motivating me to do anything but wallow in my desire not to leave Budapest.  But I have a lot to do, and no ideas of how else to procrastinate other than perhaps making a playlist of happy music, so's likely that the next post you'll read from me will be written in the good ol' USA!  I am indeed excited to go home- it's just been an awesome semester and it's always sad when awesome things end.

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