Friday, May 20, 2011

Lots of Goodbyes

It's my last Friday in Budapest and I guess I'm not in denial anymore. I'm actually really sad to be going, because this has been the experience of a lifetime.  The majority of people here are leaving tomorrow, a couple left today, one or two are leaving on Sunday, and I am leaving early Monday morning, while others leave later on Monday.  I'm probably not going to see very many people again until next semester.  It's so different from the normal end of a semester/year, because as Dani put it, it's like coming here for a semester took a chunk out of time and slowed it down to a more significant segment of life, and now that segment is ending.

Today, Julie, Laura, Dani and I went to Vaci utca for the unicorn horns I still can't spell in Hungarian (Dani disagrees and thinks they look like arm casts), and then we went to City Park (minus Julie, who had blisters).  City park was beautiful and there was a castle we looked at which was cool, but there was so much tree fluff that I couldn't stop sneezing and we had to leave.

We went to Millenium da Pippo for lunch because Julie and I had had a good experience there before and I was hungry from only eating a Magnum (double chocolate!) for breakfast, and they were thirsty from the heat.

I met Matt at Jazai Mari ter on the way home to get some packing paper and got home just in time for to let Dani in, because she just turned in her keys.  And now here I am, trying to get caught up on blogging before dinner tonight at Okay Italia and stuff.  We have to help Caitlin carry her luggage over here because she's spending the night so she and Dani can share a taxi to the airport tomorrow morning.  And at some point tonight, Dani and I need to meet with Laura to write the constitution for the book club we're starting. It's cool that we can manage to start a club from over here.

I have such a backlog of photos to upload and videos to make that I'm sure I'll continue adding things during the summer.  I'm looking forward to going home but it'll still be weird to not be here, just because I've finally gotten used to it.

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